How to 10x Your Career Success (3 Simple Steps)

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Hey CS Pros,

Did you know that the BEST leaders in the world have ONE thing in common? They are relentlessly reliable. Basically they deliver consistently. Over and over again. They are 10x more likely to succeed in their careers because they not only show up, but their colleagues know they are reliable when they show up.

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Ever notice how the best leaders never seem to drop the ball? They practice radical accountability, follow through on every commitment, and set the standard for consistency. In customer success, being reliable isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s a superpower that can set you apart.

So how can you become reliable?

Well, I am here to be your reliability coach. All you have to do is practice these 3 exercises…

Exercise 1: Master the Art of Working Backwards

Ever feel overwhelmed by all the moving pieces of a big customer project? The trick is to break it down and backsolve. Start with the end goal in mind, then identify and schedule the inputs required to reach that outcome.

Let’s say you’ve got a big QBR or board meeting coming up. What needs to happen first?

• Create the agenda

• Assign pre-work

• Finalize and send out the deck

Now, schedule each of these as tasks in your calendar and make sure to loop in any teammates involved. Working backwards isn’t just about you staying on track—it’s about keeping the whole team aligned and moving forward.

Exercise 2: Use a Daily Capture System

Ever feel like commitments are slipping through the cracks? Time to implement a bulletproof capture system. Whether it’s a physical planner, a to-do list app, or even your go-to project management tool—find one place to store everything.

Everything goes into your system from meeting notes to next steps, from spontaneous ideas to team requests.

Before you shut down for the day, review and transfer your commitments into your calendar or task list. This simple routine ensures nothing gets lost and sets you up for a productive tomorrow.

Exercise 3: Embrace the 80/20 Rule

Perfectionism is the enemy of progress. We’ve all been there—spending hours tweaking slides or revising an email that could’ve been sent hours ago. But here’s the thing: 80% of your results often come from just 20% of your effort.

Ask yourself: Can you deliver a solid presentation in one hour instead of five? Look for the tasks where you can “80/20” and let go of the perfectionist tendencies that slow you down.

Find one daily task to apply the 80/20 rule, and you’ll be amazed at how much more reliable (and productive) you become.

BONUS EXERCISE: Track Your Reliability

What we measure, we improve. Every day, ask yourself: On a scale of 1-10, how reliable was I today?

Did you follow through on your promises? Did you deliver for your customers and your team?

Remember, reliability isn’t about being perfect—it’s about being consistent. Follow these four exercises daily, and you’ll strengthen your reliability muscle, set a new standard for yourself, and dramatically increase your chances of success.

Want to show up for yourself and take your career to the next level?

Join My Free CSM RevUP Masterclass happening TODAY!

If you’re ready to level up your skills and end the year strong, I’ve got something awesome for you! Join us for a free CSM RevUP Masterclass on Wednesday, September 18. This is a fantastic chance to learn some new revenue-generating skills tailored just for CSMs.

That’s all from me for now! Here’s to a week of building that reliability muscle and delivering the best possible outcomes for your customers.

Until next time,

❤️ Anika

Ps. It’s all about taking baby steps to become more reliable. Can’t wait to see you in the masterclass!

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