Set Yourself Up for 2025 Success Now

How to get ahead with annual planning, even during Q4

Hey CS Pros,

As we approach the end of the year, you’re probably deep in the trenches with Q4 targets, finishing up renewals, and hitting those KPIs. But let’s be real for a second—when was the last time you set aside time to think about your success in 2025? I know annual planning can feel like just one more thing on your never-ending to-do list, but I promise, carving out time for this now will save you so much headache later.

This is actually the best time to start thinking proactively about the year ahead. Why? Because with all the year-end pressure, the lessons are fresh, the opportunities clear, and the goals you’ll set now are driven by what you know works (and what doesn’t!). So, let’s dive into how you can plan strategically for an impactful 2025.

Step 1: Reflect, Assess, and Gather Your Data

Before you can think ahead, you need to look back. Annual planning isn’t just about setting new goals—it’s about understanding where you and your team stand.

Take stock of this year’s wins and misses.

What went well? What didn’t? Look at your renewal rates, upsell opportunities, customer health scores, and any other important metrics. Where did you overdeliver? What areas are lagging behind? By doing this, you’re starting 2025 with real insights, not guesswork.

Take time to gather feedback from your customers too. If you’re not already, set up end-of-year surveys, or use QBRs to ask, “What would have made your experience with us even better this year?” or “What business goals do you have in 2025 that we can help you with?” These insights are invaluable for shaping the path forward.

Step 2: Identify Key Areas for Growth and Improvement

Next, identify the areas where you can really drive growth. It’s easy to fall into the trap of setting vague goals like “increase retention,” but actionable goals are tied to specific areas of improvement.

For example:

• If churn is an issue, dig into why customers are leaving. Is there a lack of product adoption? Is customer communication falling off after onboarding? Knowing the “why” will help you create strategies that work.

• If upsells or cross-sells aren’t happening as often as you’d like, look into how well you’re positioning the value of additional features to existing customers. Perhaps this could be a focus for you and your team in Q1.

Think about what skills you want to build on as a CS pro, too. Whether it’s becoming more data-driven or improving your leadership and team management skills, make 2025 the year where you push your own growth forward.

Step 3: Block Time in Q4 for 2025 Planning

Yes, Q4 is crunch time, but if you’re not intentional about planning now, January will roll around, and you’ll be stuck in reactive mode. It’s crucial to carve out time—even if it’s just an hour a week—to dedicate to your 2025 strategy.

Here’s a simple way to get started:

1. Pick 3-5 top priorities for next year—whether it’s improving customer retention, creating a better onboarding process, or leveraging AI to scale your work.

2. Outline specific steps to achieve those goals. How will you get from A to B? Break your plan down into quarters or even months to ensure consistent progress. Remember my today's list newsletter from a few weeks ago? Start making that list now!

3. Communicate your plan. Share it with your team and leadership. The more buy-in you get early on, the smoother the execution will be.

While the pressure to hit Q4 goals is real, dedicating even a small chunk of time to next year’s success now can help you hit the ground running come January.

Please block out time NOW. Go do it. I am watching you 👀 The only way you will stop being reactive in 2025 is by planning now and by dedicating time now before it is to late…

Key Takeaways:

1. Reflect and Learn: Take time to assess this year’s performance using data and customer feedback.

2. Set Actionable Goals: Identify specific areas for improvement and set tangible goals for 2025.

3. Block Time Now: Even in the Q4 rush, schedule time for 2025 planning to avoid being reactive when the new year begins.

Let’s make 2025 the year where you hit all your goals with intention and strategy. Take control now, and you’ll thank yourself later!

Are you going to Pulse Europe?

Guess what???? I am going to Pulse Europe in Amsterdam and I would LOVE to see you there! I have been attending Pulse since 2015 and I absolutely love meeting the amazing CS Pros in person at this once a year event!

If you are going then please let me know by replying to this email, but if you are still considering going and haven’t bought your ticket yet well as a CS Pro Newsletter reader I have a discount for you!

The Customer Success Pro is excited to provide an exclusive 40% discount on tickets to Pulse Europe - Gainsight's flagship conference in Amsterdam on November 13-14! Join 1,100+ Customer Success leaders for two days of inspiring sessions and networking. Hear from 70+ thought leaders including:

• Chris Rauch, Chief Customer Officer, Supermetrics

• Angela Felicissimo,VP of Global CS, Learnship

• Dan Maimone, Director of Customer Success & CS Operations, Harri

• Liza Champion, Senior Director, CX Strategy & Transformation, Cision

To learn more about the event, view dedicated tracks and speaker line-up click here - don’t forget to use promo code CSPRO40 at checkout to secure your spot!

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That's all for now.

I hope you’ve found this newsletter helpful. If you did find it helpful feel free to forward it to a friend or a colleague, sharing is caring! If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us.

Cheers to your CS success,


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Whenever you are ready to take the next step, here’s how I can help:

The Customer Success Pro Podcast

Unlock Revenue in a QBR Guide

100 AI Prompts for CS Guide